Wednesday 19 May 2010

The fastest way to learning English - Guaranteed!

Discover with a free lesson how you can improve your English -

• Using today’s technologies, you can learn faster and enjoy it more

• One-on-one private lessons

• Have an English school in your living room or in your office

• Have a teacher whenever you want

• Build your self-confidence

• You decide the time that suits you best

• 100% convenience – no traveling, no wasted time

• 100% customized

The fastest way to achieve your specific learning objectives is one-on-one work with a private teacher.

All you need to do is select a day and time that fits your schedule. Your course is then completely built to fit your learning objectives, skill level, and schedule, with intensive one-on-one conversation classes and rigorous progress coaching to help you reach your goals quickly and efficiently.

We aim at developing a fundamentally better way to learn. The virtual classroom is a place where technology and the teacher join together to help every student achieve success.

Contact me today on 22454547 to arrange a free lesson and discover how easy and entertaining learning English can be.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Hello Everybody and Happy New Year to You!!!

You don’t have to use up too much of your time to improve your English conversational skills.

English is “the world” language and a MUST for all of us. Whether you are browsing on the internet, travelling abroad, or are becoming more and more involved in business communications.

Of course, you have already thought about how to improve your language skills; but you are too busy! Perhaps you travel a lot.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend too much time taking classes. Suggestopedia is a fantastic method for accelerated learning and helps you to overcome any obstacles such as fear, embarrassment, lack of self-confidence, etc. It is a very exciting form of learning, relaxed, full of fun and most of all, extremely effective.

So, join me in this exciting class and share with me a new experience which will help you release all that English knowledge which you have stored deep down in your brain!

Classes begin on 10th February 6pm to 9.30pm. Time will go so fast you won’t realize it!

Here is the exact schedule:

Wednesday 10th Feb, Thursday 11th Feb, Friday 12th Feb, Wednesday 17th Feb, Fri 19th Feb, Monday 22nd Feb, Wednesday 24th Feb, Friday 26th Feb, Monday 1st March and Wednesday 3rd March.

I am just a phone call away! Here's how you can contact me:

Telephone: 22454547

Don't waste any more time....... call NOW!!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Practice 1 - The verb 'seem'

Now you can read it:

When we meet our friends, we usually greet them with: How are you? And the answer is usually: Fine thanks and you? But are we really that fine? the truth is that not everything is as it seems. We can’t always be certain, that we understand what we see and what we hear; people around us may seem happy but the truth is that everybody has good days and bad days everybody has their problems. We are going to talk about ‘seem’.

Lets check your understanding of the verb seem:

Qstn 1

Read the following:

Mary: Do you know Ken?

Jane: I don’t know him well. I’ve only talked to him a few times over the phone. He seems to know a lot about tourism.

What can we conclude?

A. Jane is certain that Ken knows all about tourism. OR
B. Jane has the impression that Ken knows the industry well.

Answer: B

Qstn 2

Read the following:

Jane: Are you going to follow Ken’s advice?
Mary: Probably. It seems a good idea.

The last sentence is incorrect – can you correct it?

“It seems to be a good idea.” Or “ It seems like a good idea”

Qstn 3

Which statement is more appropriate for informal conversation?

A. It seems like everything is fine now.
B. It seems that everything is fine now.

Answer: A

Qstn 4

Which statement suggests more certainty or greater probability?

A. It seems as if the problem solved itself.
B. It seems that the problem solved itself.

Answer: B

How did you do on the quiz? Does the topic seem challenging?

Let’s talk about it.

We can use SEEM with an adjective

Seem is a linking verb. We can use it to “link” a subject to a description.


“I’ve only spoken with Ken over the phone, but he seems nice.”

In this example we are linking ‘he’ with the description ‘nice’.

SEEM can also be followed by the infinitive. For example:

“Ken seems to know a lot about the industry”

So What does SEEM mean?

SEEM (v) = to appear to have a quality of being in some condition; to appear to be true

Examples: (1) Ken seems nice
(2) Ken seems to know a lot.

(1) Ken seems nice – this means that he appears to be nice, we can’t be certain, but it appears to be true that he’s a nice person. This is the impression that we have

2) Ken seems to know a lot. Again, this is our impression; it appears to be true that Ken knows a lot.

Exercise 1

Read this and choose the correct conclusion. Example:

Situation: I called Ken yesterday. He seemed very busy, so I kept the conversation short.

What can we conclude?

A. Ken didn’t want to talk yesterday. Or
B. It’s possible that Ken was very busy yesterday.

Answer: B

Situation 1: The manager read the resume. The candidate seemed to be a good choice for the job.

What can we conclude?

A. The manager knew for certain that the candidate was a good choice for the job. Or
B. The manager thought that the candidate was possibly a good choice for the job.

Answer: B

Situation 2: The boss seems unaware that Ellen has too much work for one person.
What can we conclude?

A. The boss doesn’t care that Ellen is overworked. Or
B. The boss may not realize that Ellen can’t handle the workload by herself.

Answer: B

Friday 3 July 2009

New Timetable for Summer Course (July 09)

Dates: 22 -30 July 2009, (weekdays)

Times: 3.00 - 8.00 pm

Location: Paschalis Consulting Training Center
117 Athalassa Avenue, 2nd Floor
Tel: +357-22454547

  • Are you a good English reader, but not a GREAT English speaker?

  • When you speak, do you feel nervous or embarrassed?

  • Are you frustrated since you keep trying and still struggle?

  • Do you feel that textbook English is not teaching you the REAL English you need?

  • Is it difficult for you to understand native speakers’ conversations?

  • Have you already improved your English, and are you ready to go to a whole new level?

  • Come and enjoy with me a new experience which is fun, relaxing and most of all productive! You will feel the change immediately.

Register Now!!

Friday 7 November 2008


New Seminar

Next Course: 11 - 18 December 2008

Call me now on 22454547 !

Well, the latest news is that we just completed another course on the 27th October, and on that night we all agreed to have a 'refresher' day; it was unanimously agreed to set the date of Saturday 20th December, 9 am to 5 pm. So, 'old' students, take up this opportunity and book now for this date. What's it all about????

A one day course of Business English. The theme is set in a London office, around the topic of a job appraisal interview. The text contains rich vocabulary and phrases. The teaching approach on this one-day course, based on breakthrough research on the human brain and memory, enables students to learn faster, remember for longer and enjoy learning more fully. The careful orchestration of imaginative activities appeals to all the senses and weaves the information presented into chains of associations: this creates memory hooks. Students will be surprised at their own capacities to remember, and use, the knowledge and skills acquired on this course.

You will:

· learn a more specialised vocabulary

· revitalise your passive knowledge and have greater flexibility in putting it to use

· improve grammar, pronunciation and speech flow

· enjoy a direct experience of successful group learning

Bring your friends along too!

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Next Course Dates

Our next course begins on a Monday!!!!!

Monday 20th October until Monday 27th October 2008, inclusive.

The timetable is as follows:

Monday - Friday: 6.00-9.30pm, Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 5pm

Closing Date for registration: 6th October 2008

Hurry up and Book NOW!!!!!! call me on (357) 22454547
Vicky Paschali